Moving is stressful at the best of times, but if you’re upping sticks with children in tow, the process can be even more complicated.

And it’s not just practical issues, such as securing a school or nursery place in Leicester, that parents have to contend with.

Children may be unhappy at being uprooted from familiar surroundings and daunted at the prospect of making new friends. This is a perfectly normal reaction.

But there are ways you can minimise the stress of moving. In fact, get it right, and your little ones might find the whole thing a bit of an adventure.

Here are five tips for moving with children.

1 Be honest

Kids have a sixth sense and can detect when something is up, so don’t keep your moving plans quiet until the last minute. Talk through the situation to ensure your child feels included.

2 Inspire them

Visit your soon-to-be new home so your children can see where they’ll be living. Consider letting them choose the colour of their new bedroom or promise them a trampoline or treehouse to ramp up their enthusiasm.

3 Diary dates

Make plans to stay in touch with your children’s friends after you move. Organise lots of playdates so they can see their old buddies. Or if you’re moving further afield, arrange for your kids to stay in touch with their mates via Skype or FaceTime.

4 Unpack their room first

Once you’ve completed, prioritise unpacking your children’s clothing and toys so they have familiar items around them right from the start.

5 Stick to routines

Once you’ve moved in, re-establish regular routines around meals and bedtimes to help your child feel safe and secure.

If you’re considering moving around the Leicester area, contact us today for an honest valuation or to find your new home.